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재원's 블로그
class 본문
최초 작성일 : 2021-12-14
categories: Python
오늘은 직접 클래스와 함수를 하나 하나 만들어보고
연결해서 다양한 기초문법을 실습을 통해 알아보았다.
아래의 코드는 직접 실습한 코드들이다.
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step03
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class Human:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
if __name__ == "__main__":
human01 = Human(name="A")
human02 = Human(name="A")
print(human01 == human02)
print("human01: ", human01)
print("human02: ", human02)
<결과 화면>
"C:\Program Files\anaconda3\python.exe" "C:/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/step03_04(12.14)/step03/bank00.py"
Setter method is called
Setter method is called
Process finished with exit code 0
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step03
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# != __ne__()
# >= __ge__()
# <= __le__()
# > __gt__()
# < __lt__()
class Bank:
# instance attribute
def __init__(self, cust_id, balance=0):
self.balance = balance
self.cust_id = cust_id
# instance method
def withdraw(self, amount):
self.balance -= amount
def __eq__(self, other):
print("__eq()__ is called")
return self.cust_id == other.cust_id
def __ne__(self, other):
print("__eq()__ is called")
return self.cust_id != other.cust_id
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step03
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class Bank:
# cust_id, balance = 0
def __init__(self, cust_id, balance = 0):
self.cust_id, self.balance = cust_id, balance
# withdraw method
def withdraw(self, amount):
self.balance -= amount
# eq
def __eq__(self, other):
print("__eq()__ is called")
return (self.cust_id == other.cust_id) and (type(self) == type(other))
class Phone:
def __init__(self, cust_id):
self.cust_id = cust_id
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.cust_id == other.cust_id
if __name__ == "__main__":
account01 = Bank(1234)
phone01 = Phone(1234)
print(account01 == phone01)
<결과 화면>
"C:\Program Files\anaconda3\python.exe" "C:/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/step03_04(12.14)/step03/bank02.py"
__eq()__ is called
Process finished with exit code 0
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step03
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 프로젝트 4개월
# 1개월 환경세팅, 미팅, 요구 사항 미팅
# 2개월 날코딩 (프레임워크 위주로 코드 짬) / 자동화 (x)
# 1개월 문서 작업, 코드 리팩토링 (기초문법*****)
class Bank:
def __init__(self, cust_id, name, balance = 0):
self.cust_id, self.name, self.balance = cust_id, name, balance
def __str__(self):
cust_str = """
cust_id : {cust_id}
name : {name}
balance : {balance}
""".format(cust_id = self.cust_id, name = self.name, balance = self.balance)
return cust_str
if __name__ == "__main__":
bank_cust = Bank(123, "Kim")
<결과 화면>
"C:\Program Files\anaconda3\python.exe" "C:/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/step03_04(12.14)/step03/bank03.py"
cust_id : 123
name : Kim
balance : 0
Process finished with exit code 0
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step03
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 프로젝트 4개월
# 1개월 환경세팅, 미팅, 요구 사항 미팅
# 2개월 날코딩 (프레임워크 위주로 코드 짬) / 자동화 (x)
# 1개월 문서 작업, 코드 리팩토링 (기초문법*****)
class Bank:
def __init__(self, cust_id, name, balance = 0):
self.cust_id, self.name, self.balance = cust_id, name, balance
def __str__(self):
cust_str = """
cust_id : {cust_id}
name : {name}
balance : {balance}
""".format(cust_id = self.cust_id, name = self.name, balance = self.balance)
return cust_str
def __repr__(self):
cust_str = "Bank({cust_id}, '{name}', {balance})".format(cust_id = self.cust_id, name = self.name, balance = self.balance)
return cust_str
if __name__ == "__main__":
bank_cust = Bank(123, "Kim")
<결과 화면>
"C:\Program Files\anaconda3\python.exe" "C:/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step03/bank04.py"
cust_id : 123
name : Kim
balance : 0
Bank(123, 'Kim', 0)
Process finished with exit code 0
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step03
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def error01():
a = 10
a / 0
# ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
def error02():
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# IndexError: list index out of range
def error03():
a = 1000
a + "안녕"
# TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
def error04():
a = 1000
a + b
# NameError: name 'b' is not defined
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Program is done")
# 크롤링 코드 작성
# "https://sports.news.naver.com/news?oid=109&aid=00045260" + "83" # 페이지 없음
# 크롤링 코드 멈춤
# URL: https://sports.news.naver.com/news?oid=109&aid=0004526080
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step03
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def try_func(x, idx):
return 100/x[idx]
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("Zero로 나눌 수 없음")
except IndexError:
print("Index 범위 밖에 있음")
except TypeError:
print("Type Error가 존재")
except NameError:
print("변수 정의 안한 것이 있음")
print("무조건 실행됨")
def main():
a = [50, 60, 0, 70]
print(try_func(a, 1))
# zero Division Error
print(try_func(a, 0))
# Index Error
print(try_func(a, 5))
# type Error
print(try_func(a, "안녕"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
<결과 화면>
"C:\Program Files\anaconda3\python.exe" "C:/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step03/exceptions02.py"
무조건 실행됨
무조건 실행됨
Index 범위 밖에 있음
무조건 실행됨
Type Error가 존재
무조건 실행됨
Process finished with exit code 0
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step03
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 클래스
# __init__ <--- set_name, set_balanace
# __eq__, __ne__, etc
# 상속, 다형성
class SalaryExcept(ValueError): pass # 상속
class TipExcept(SalaryExcept): pass # 상속
class Employee:
# class attribute
MIN_SALARY = 20000
MAX_BONUS = 10000
# instance attribute
def __init__(self, name, salary = 30000):
self.name = name
if salary < Employee.MIN_SALARY:
raise SalaryExcept("급여가 너무 낮아요!")
self.salary = salary
# instance method
def give_bonus(self, amount):
if amount > Employee.MAX_BONUS:
print("보너스가 너무 많습니다!")
elif self.salary + amount < Employee.MIN_SALARY:
print("보너스 지급 후의 급여도 매우 낮아요!")
self.salary += amount
if __name__ == "__main__":
emp = Employee("Evan", salary=20000)
except SalaryExcept:
print("Salary 오류가 감지됨")
except TipExcept:
print("Tip 오류 감지됨")
<결과 화면>
"C:\Program Files\anaconda3\python.exe" "C:/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step03/exceptions03.py"
보너스가 너무 많습니다!
보너스 지급 후의 급여도 매우 낮아요!
Process finished with exit code 0
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step04
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class Customer:
def __init__(self, name, new_bal):
self.name = name
if new_bal < 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid Balance")
self._balance = new_bal
def balance(self):
return self._balance
def balance(self, new_bal):
if new_bal < 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid balance!")
self._balance = new_bal
print("Setter method is called")
from customer05 import Customer
if __name__ == "__main__":
cust = Customer("Belinda Lutz", 2000)
cust.balance = 3000
cust.balance = -1000
<결과 화면>
"C:\Program Files\anaconda3\python.exe" "C:/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step04/customer_test.py"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\rudal\Desktop\[파이썬활용]빅데이터 전문 인재양성 과정A\빅데이터(정지훈 쌤) 비대면 수업자료\step03_04(12.14)\step04\customer_test.py", line 10, in <module>
cust.balance = -1000
File "C:\Users\rudal\Desktop\[파이썬활용]빅데이터 전문 인재양성 과정A\빅데이터(정지훈 쌤) 비대면 수업자료\step03_04(12.14)\step04\customer05.py", line 18, in balance
raise ValueError("Invalid balance!")
ValueError: Invalid balance!
Setter method is called
Process finished with exit code 1
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step04
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class BetterDate:
_MAX_DAYS = 30
def __init__(self, year, month, day):
self.year, self.month, self.day = year, month, day
def from_str(cls, datestr):
year, month, day = map(int, datestr.split("-"))
return cls(year, month, day)
def _is_valid(self):
return (self.day <= BetterDate._MAX_DAYS) and \
(self.month <= BetterDate._MAX_MONTHS)
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step04
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from internal_attributes03 import BetterDate
if __name__ == "__main__":
bd1 = BetterDate(2021, 4, 30)
bd2 = BetterDate(2021, 6, 45)
<결과 화면>
"C:\Program Files\anaconda3\python.exe" "C:/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step04/internal_attributes_test.py"
Process finished with exit code 0
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step04
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class Parent:
def talk(self):
print("Parent talking!")
class Son(Parent):
def talk(self):
print("Son talking!")
class Daughter(Parent):
def talk(self):
print("Daughter talking!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
pat, son, daughter = Parent(), Son(), Daughter()
for obj in (pat, son, daughter):
<결과 화면>
"C:\Program Files\anaconda3\python.exe" "C:/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step04/parent01.py"
Parent talking!
Son talking!
Daughter talking!
Parent talking!
Process finished with exit code 0
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step04
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class Employee:
def __init__(self, name, new_salary):
self._salary = new_salary
def salary(self):
return self._salary
def salary(self, new_salary):
if new_salary < 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid salary")
self._salary = new_salary
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step04
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from properties04 import Employee
if __name__ == "__main__":
emp = Employee("Miriam Azari", 3000)
emp.salary = 6000 # <= @salary.setter
emp.salary = -1000
<결과 화면>
"C:\Program Files\anaconda3\python.exe" "C:/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step04/properties_test.py"
Process finished with exit code 0
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step04
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class Rectangle:
def __init__(self, h, w):
self.h, self.w = h, w
# Define a Square class
class Square(Rectangle):
def __init__(self, w):
self.h, self.w = w, w
lass Rectangle:
def __init__(self, w, h):
self.w, self.h = w, h
# Define set_h to set h
def set_h(self, h):
self.h = h
# Define set_w to set w
def set_w(self, w):
self.w = w
class Square(Rectangle):
def __init__(self, w):
self.w, self.h = w, w
# Define set_h to set w and h
def set_h(self, h):
self.h = h
self.w = h
# Define set_w to set w and h
def set_w(self, w):
self.w = w
self.h = w
# /c/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step04
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from rectangle01 import Rectangle, Square
if __name__ == "__main__":
rec = Rectangle(4, 7)
sq = Square(4)
<결과 화면>
"C:\Program Files\anaconda3\python.exe" "C:/Program Files/anaconda3/envs/python-P/step03_04(12.14)/step04/rectangle_test.py"
Process finished with exit code 0
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